We will correct any document type.

Document and file format

In the academic environment, there is currently no standard word processing software or document format. We are aware of that and promise to offer an optimal solution no matter what format you are using.

The following table provides an overview of our correction process with specific document and file formats:

Track changes Hints and comments
*.doc(x)Microsoft Word

We edit *. docx- and *.doc documents in Microsoft Word using the "track changes" and comment features.

Information on the "track changes" function
*.odtOpenOffice / LibreOffice

We edit *.odt documents in OpenOffice using the modification mode. Our changes and comments are accessible in both Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.

We edit *.rtf-documents in OpenOffice using the modification mode to ensure that the original formatting of the documents remains untouched.
*.pagesApple Pages

We edit *.pages documents in Apple Pages with activated change log to ensure that the original formatting of the document remains undisturbed.
*.txtText file

We edit * .txt documents in Microsoft Word and save them in the .docx format. This ensures that the document can be opened in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice with our track changes in tact. The file can later be exported as a text file.

We edit your LaTeX documents, using Microsoft Word, at our regular prices. Once we’re finished editing, we will copy the edited text back into the *.tex-file.

You will, then, receive two files
  1. A fully edited *.tex-file,
  2. The corresponding Microsoft Word file where the actual editing has been done, so that you can track the corrections and suggestions

Alternatively, we edit *.tex files directly in the source document, using the freely available LaTeX "TrackChanges" package, so that the changes and comments are highlighted. As this is quite extensive work, this option will require a 50% surcharge.

Information on the correction of LaTeX documents using “TrackChanges”
*.pdfAdobe PDF

*.pdf documents can currently only be corrected by hand due to technical reasons. Contact us for details and pricing.

You can also submit your documents compressed into a single file in one of the formats listed here.

Other formats

We will also try to correct documents in other formats, but cannot guarantee it in advance. Is your document in a different format than those listed? Contact us to see if a topcorrect correction is possible!


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