Review mode in Microsoft Word

"track changes" and comments

We correct documents in the review mode so that all changes are clear and comprehensible and can either be individually accepted or rejected. We use detailed comments to point out discrepancies and provide suggestions.

Where can I find and activate the review mode?
How does “track changes” work?
How can I review the changes?
How can I turn off the changes?
How can I delete the changes?
How can I edit and delete comments?

Where can I find and activate the review mode?

The review mode is under the menu item "Tools". Click on "track changes" and all changes in the text will be recorded automatically.

How does “track changes” work?

If you have activated “track changes,” Microsoft Word will display any changes made to the text. If you delete something, this text will be displayed as crossed out in red. Any additions will appear in red. A vertical black stroke will appear along the margin to show that a change has been made, making it easy to follow the changes.

How can I review the changes?

It's simple! In the review mode panel, the "changes" menu allows you to view each change using the commands, "Previous", "Next", "Accept" and "Reject". And if you want to accept or reject all the changes, just click on the little arrow under "Accept" or "Reject" and choose "Accept all changes in document".

How can I turn off the changes?

Within the review mode panel, you can set the “track changes” to off so that new edits are not visibe.

How can I delete the changes?

All changes are stored in your document until you accept or reject them. Comments must be individually deleted.

To be certain no track changes appear in the final text, save your document as a PDF file.

Entfernen von nachverfolgten Änderungen und Kommentaren aus einem Dokument (

How can I edit and delete comments?

Within the review mode panel is a section called “Comments”. You can go through all the comments in your document using the “Previous”, “Next”, and “Delete” commands.

If you would like to remove all comments in the document at once, place your cursor over the small arrow below the "Delete" button and select "Delete all comments."